Tb College

Leading for Innovation

Certificate Information

Technological innovation is on the brink of fueling momentous change throughout the world economy, generating great benefits and challenges, in equal measure. Leaders in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) are facing an almost overwhelming task with many endogenous forces being completely beyond their control. They are being called upon to manage organizations through times of turbulence, uncertainty, and disruption. In the face of a global pandemic that has thrown normal operational practices into disarray, the role of leaders and their ability to adapt and shift focus is more critical than ever.

Leadership skills need to adapt within the context of the 4IR and the post COVID-19 ‘New Normal’ if organizations are going to be able to survive and prosper. And while an organization’s ability to thrive will not depend exclusively on individual leaders, their beliefs, conduct, ability to strategize, and ways of handling people, they will, nevertheless have a profound impact on their institution’s culture and success.

Certificate Details

Duration: 40 Hours

Program Format: Online instructor-led, online self-paced.

Program Tuition: $1,995

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • Develop a comprehensive Industry 4.0 strategy
  • Use technology to disrupt and transform your organization and your competition
  • Assess personal leadership traits and their impact on the performance of others
  • Plan and deliver clear, concise communication strategies to direct, guide and motivate employees
  • Determine how ability and motivation impact performance and outcomes
  • Explore various leadership styles and when each is best used to maximize performance
  • Match appropriate leadership style to individuals and tasks
  • Provide feedback that recognizes and rewards employee performance
  • Use a consistent approach to providing feedback
  • Assess performance gaps and improve performance
  • Coach, reinforce, and create a motivational climate for employee growth and retention
  • Describe their own interpersonal relationship style and its impact on those they lead
  • Apply conflict management strategies


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